euro invested in knowledge
people trained
production locations opened
growers or resellers

Two problems
climate change leads to more diseases, later harvests and lower yield. This means less income and hunger.
coffee production leads to organic waste, poluting soils
One solution
use waste from coffee production as substrate for growing mushrooms

Most Ugandans in rural areas are nearly uneducated. This is the way in our trainings we focus on:
- the basics of economics
- the fundamentals of planning
- finding and raising personal strenghts
These powerboost lessons give people the opportunity to take responsibility over their own lives.
By teaching young coffeefarmers or unemployed people the skills of growing mushrooms, we provide them with a unique skill in this area.
This will raise their chances creating a small scale business in mushrooms
We teach:
- basics of mushrooms
- basics of hygiene
- growing method and planning
- multiplying spores
- how to deal with failures
Alone you travel fast, together we reach further.
We don't need to train people how to trade. Most of them have this skill.
But by building organisations, working together, investing their earings, they can make more money.
Mushrooms contain a lot of minerals and nutrients people need. So besides maize, casave, bananas and potatos which is been eaten by a lot of people most of the time, mushrooms fullfill a highly enrichening additive to their diet.
Get to Know Us
Mushcoff is a foundation raised by two companies with focus on making a real difference.

Making the world a bit more beautiful with mushrooms. That's, in simple terms, the goal of Bransbest.
And it's most effective in Africa because the impact you can create there is greater than in the Netherlands.The trade in mushrooms and mushroom-containing products or cultivation materials forms the foundation of Bransbest. These products enable Bransbest to make an impact in Uganda.
Michel Brans is owner of Bransbest and lives in Deventer - The Netherlands

Deventer Coffee
Deventer Coffee is an honest quality product crafted in a flavorful blend of the finest arabica and robusta beans. The coffee beans are directly sourced from coffee farmers in Uganda who produce with a commitment to the environment. Deventer Coffee pays these coffee farmers a fair price.
In addition, with the sales proceeds, young individuals in Uganda are educated and encouraged to start their own coffee business. Deventer Coffee is pure and very flavorful. Deventer Coffee is coffee with two good causes.
Ruud Boon is owner of Deventer Koffie and lives in Deventer - The Netherlands

Main goal 2027
1000 people earning
100 euro's extra each month
in mushroom business in Uganda -Masaka - Kibinge area
resulting in:
1.200.000 euro's anual added velue
Finding business partners
Bransbest and Deventer Koffie are two small self-employed companies.
Alone you travel fast, together we reach further
matters them as well. They know they need others in order to be able to reach their goals.
Partners are needed in the search for funding but for knowledge as well.
March 2024 project
Ruud and Michel will travel to Kibinge Uganda. Main purpose of this trip is setting up an colaborating organisation around the 90 mushroomfarms.
We need to find a commercial man or woman in Uganda who is able to find new trading places or routes. Because investments are needed, finding out how this can be done is crusial. The maincoordinator in Kibinge wll play a main role in setting up the new organisation.
Furthermore the search for businesspartners, a local NGO and financial assistance will continu

In one of the villages we work in, some people play soccer. They play against another nearby village.
The footballfield is not a we know it. It's full of holes and the right side is about six meters higher then the left side. Most players play on bare feet.
So we would like to take football shoes in march. If you have some spare ones, please let us know.
Thanks in advance.

A contribution of € 2,50 monthly will give one young adult the education and guidance needed to set up his or hers own smallscale business.
Offcourse we are happy with one single contribution as well.
Please fill in our contactform and we will contact you.
Deventer Koffie
100% of the profit of Deventer Koffie will be used for training purposes.
Buy Bransbest
For each kilograms of mushrooms Bransbest sells 1 euro will be used to train Ugandans in farmer or running a business
100% of your donation will be used for training purposes
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